Friday, December 01, 2006

pushing thirty

The countdown begins. It is 31 days before New Year, 24 days before Christmas and 17 days before my 30th birthday. They say that a person usually turn into senti-mode days before and/or after your birthday. I guess I am having the blues...and deep inside, I know the reasons why.

There are so many lists people have published when they reach a certain age. There are "Now That I Am 30, I'll Be..." or the "What I Have Learned In My 30 Years of Existence" or "Things You Should Have Done Before You Turn 30" Just the other day, I've read in a friend's blog a list from a 35-year old's "35 Simple or Not-So-Simple Things I've Learned About Life." I am five years shy of turning 35 but I agree to most of what he has written. Now, do I come up with my own list? I don't feel it now...maybe in the next few days, though.

As I was cleaning (deleting) my files, I came across my last year's birthday list and invites. I can still remember my green and pink party and the details that came with it. I bugged my sister to get me jellybeans and my brother to do the invites. Thanks to my mom and brother for the additional funding, everyone went home well-fed with food and laughters. At the end of the day, when my brother asked me if I was happy, I sincerely answered yes because I was genuinely feeling it.

Birthdays are important for me. We are lucky that we were able to have birthday parties to celebrate our childhood. I believe that when a child experiences (at least one!) birthday party in his/her honor, a happy childhood memory will make him/her a better and happier person. That's why when I knew of close friends who haven't experienced birthday parties, I usually throw a surprise for them when their special day comes. My cousin even had a kid's party when she turned 30, complete with kiddie games and costumes! And who can miss Jackie's yearly themed birthday party. She was Dora the Explorer when she turned four, a princess at five and monkey at six! Just kidding, I just don't know what she was this year because she has a zoo/jungle theme party with a Hello Kitty ala Wizard of Oz birthday cake.

This time around, I think it would be a quiet birthday for me. For one, no JL nor Jenjen will be in Pinas (yes, it sinked-in already). Two, I just don't feel like it. I rather sneak out of town or somewhere. I don't want to be here, where I am right now. I have the time to be alone and not to think of school or events. I'll be in Cagayan De Oro on the 9th till the 12th for an event, a video shoot on the 15th while the term wraps up on the 16th, including enrollment for the next term. Sa January na ulit ang busy-busyhan.


Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance...and dance like nobody's watching.


By the way, I received my first Christmas present for this year...this one came from my dad. I watched Martin Nievera's concert last night at the Mall of Asia. Even when I was seated at an aisle seat, I was not able to take a good picture of Martin kasi...I was again mesmerized when he passed by! Hahahaha!


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