Saturday, October 07, 2006

Moving Out

It's been a week since we came back from Manila and now, we are moving out to a new apartment. The first time my brother saw the place, he got so excited that he told me all about it over the phone (and he saw two apartments that day). We are now moving into a two-bed room and two full-bath apartment with veranda and rooftop access with a view of the city - especially great for Fourth of July.
I am so ecstatic about getting my own room, my own space. I also love the kitchen, since the building is newly constructed all the kitchen appliances were all new - there are actually numbers on the oven dial! The counter space, work area, is also spacious. Bubbles is also excited about the new apartment, she loves the stairs (did I mention it's three flights up?) and she just loves to run around from the dining to my bedroom to my brother's room.
Although my body isn't really feeling it yet (due to the excitement) I am so exhausted. There still so much things to be done and packed. We've been walking to the new apartment and back almost three times now... and I am supposed to meet up with some friends for dinner, but all these are worth it. Talk about losing weight and getting fit! :)
Well, I hope that before the end of this year we would be settled in and move forward with life.


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