Happy birthday to the most __________ Mom of all!*

Happy birthday mom! Through ups and downs, laughters and cries, achievements and disappointments you've been there for us. I love you! Happy Birthday!
*Now fill in the blank...
Happy birthday to the most _________ Mom of all!*
1. 'Makulit' - she would call you and be all excited to report that she's at Costo and that she's enjoying those free samples on Aisle 8.
2. Dramatic - I remember vividly that afternoon, where she haggled her way at a 'palengke' buy me the "Connect 4" game. The story doesn't end there, the lady selling her gave her this attitude that sparked the inner "Fely Torrecampo" (my grand mother) in her.
3. Caring - she flew 12,000 miles to be beside my sister during her operation. She would call just to say hi. She would buy a big box of Ring Pops just for Winrich or a big bundle of paper towels for me.
4. Daring - she will do everything and anything (she even taught computers and we all know how she is with computers!) just to provide for the family!
5. Lovable - we'll get into an argument and even if it's usually due to her being overly dramatic and 'makulit', I'd fold and call her right back to say I love you.
Love you Mom!