Tuesday, July 10, 2007

gone fishing...

i haven't posted a detailed entry of what have been happening on my side of the world...but i'll be back soon! :)

*this what happens to someone who is in the middle of completing a strama paper for mba (and struggling to learn and understand a lot of frameworks!) and organizing events here and there...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Dad Turned 57 on 070707!!!

after less than three days of planning, achi was able to pull off a great surprise birthday party for our dad. it was held at lutong macau in jupiter. he thought it would be just the four of them having dinner. little did he know, three tables full of people were waiting for his arrival.

to dad who turned 7 (after 50 years...) -- Happy Birthday!

Dad, Happy 7th Birthday!

Happy 7th birthday DAD!!

Well... 7th birthday after 50 years!

Many years of laughter, health and God's blessings!