Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanksgiving -- the only holiday in the United States that have not been inundated by Hallmark. It preserves the tradition of thankfulness and the focus on family.
As I was in church for Thanksgiving mass, I prayed and thanked God for all His wonderful gifts. I was happy that I was going on and on with my list of things to be thankful for. Here are some of them:
1. My family. No matter the difference, arguments and geographical distance we still have genuine love and care for each other.
2. My sisters. For Achi's successful surgery, my sister Jen's new job and Jackie's growing up filled with love from everybody.
3. Mom. I enjoy the everyday "Why have you not called your mom?" line. Thanks for that, it forces me to take a break from work and talk to you.
4. Dad and Auntie Fe. For always being there to talk and have always shown their support in all my undertakings.
5. Marianne. For always making sure that I feel special. As well as the Duca Family for their genuine care, thanks for the moonpies and books that you have sent.
6. For my job. First, I am thankful for having a job. Secondly, for that feeling that I am valued not for who I know but for the skills that I have.
7. For my faith. As I go into my RCIA for Confirmation, I get to grow in it deeper.
8. For my health. That I wake up each morning. That I can go to the gym and still enjoy the food I eat.
9. For friends. New and old. For connections, sharing and memories. Thanks for the coffee breaks, dinners, visits, retreats, billiards game and everything in between.
10. Lord Almighty for the blessings that are over-pouring.
Happy thanksgiving.