Wednesday, September 13, 2006

~ letting go ~

Tonight, I attended my first class for the 2nd term. When I enlisted for this subject, all I had to take into consideration was the schedule and if it fits my major/specialization. I already psyched myself that this will be another full load term (read my previous post).

Wednesday classes is Global Trade. My professor is of German roots and blood but with a Filipino heart. He has been residing in the Philippines for the past 22 years (he speaks Tagalog, as well!) and even took up his masters from the other school (toot! toot!). In between discussing the course outline and requirements, we had a glimpse of his sense of humor. I became more relaxed and tried to quiet the voices in my head - they kept on reminding me of the class' workload!

The professor mentioned before our "halftime" break, that the rest of the class session will be allotted to a guest speaker who will come with his (our professor's) wife and youngest daughter. It was something unusual on the first day of classes but then, this is grad school and an elective class, I guess, anything goes.

The speaker, aside from a practitioner in the business industry, was someone from the ministry. He spoke from the heart. Yes, he did talked about leadership, about work ethics, about our roles in our respective companies, in our country and in the world. But what he emphasized the most on is about our faith.

He ended his talk with a prayer, a personal prayer. I was starting to feel something different. He then turned to the class and asked who wanted to come up front and be personally prayed over. There were hesitations. Nobody stood up. As we looked at each other, two of my classmates who were seated with me in the first row stood up. After the pray over, he asked my classmates what made them decide to be the first to go up front. Their answer struck me. We just need to acknowledge His presence in our lives.

I stood up and asked to be prayed over. He told me to just let go.

I have started to let go. I am letting go all my hurts, pains, selfishness, worries and ghosts of the past. This will take time and will not be an easy journey but I know I have taken the first step.

After three years in grad school, this is one class day I will never forget.


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