dear mommy
Happy Mother's Day!
As this time of the year rolls in again, I cannot help but to feel longing...for you. Sad to say, I cannot remember anymore the last time you spent Mother's Day with the three of us in one place. What I have in my memory were letters and cards sent to you, phone calls exchanged and you celebrating this beautiful day in two time zones (being greeted in Pinas and in NY). For the past years, it's JL and Jenjen's role to honor you with a little something to remind you how much we appreciate and love you so much. And today was no different.
When you called me up earlier today saying that you're sleeping over at Jen and JL's, I was so elated! Deep down in my heart, I was thankful that at least you'll be with 2/3 of us, just appropriate since Mother's Day is made for moms and kids to be together. But after a while, as we ended our conversation, I was a bit saddend to be not with you on this special day. Yes, I was with family as we had lunch to celebrate today...but then, it's is very, very different without you for me to personally hug and kiss, just to show you how much you are valued.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank you for all that you are giving us, for being strong for us and for always keeping us the center of your life. You may not be like any of my friends' moms, but I would never trade you for anyone else.

Talking about journeys...I know that your first emotional reaction upon hearing Jenjen's engagement was not that of pure happiness and excitement. I cannot blame you as I also felt what you felt (although I am pretty sure that yours was more intense!). You were crying and all I can hear you say was " bunsoy ko..." as if that she has been forever taken away from you. I know you felt that way because in your eyes and in your heart, we will always be your little babies even though we are all damulags. Enjoy planning the wedding with Jen, it's something that you need to share as this is the last stage where you'll have your baby as a single woman. Enjoy looking over dresses, swatches and colors. Enjoy the time choosing cakes and food to serve. Relish the experience of preparing for the big day. Do not give each other a hard time, do not make this another mother-daughter horror story that we read in novels and watch in movies. It can be pretty stressful but you'll both manage. I wish I could be there with you, with Jen...but then again...
Just remember mom, and I hope I have shared with JL and Jenjen as they were growing up this sentiment, that you'll always be in our hearts and in mind and we will always be here for you, no matter what. Yes, admittedly, there are times that you are way so makulit and impossible, but then, that's you...and we accept you, amidst your flaws (including in english grammer hehehehe) and we love you unconditionally with all our hearts. Who else would have a sense of humor like yours? You're the only one who can make us giggle and laugh altogether without you meaning it :) I swear, we will soon have our own set of Mommyisms!

I wish you all the best mom...good health and more laughters! We love you!
**In the sepia photo, with mom are my cousins (ged and pao - which reminds me that when Tita Langging hugged me the last time we saw each other, I felt loved and maybe I felt that she was the closest thing, physically that I have of my mother being her sister), JL and me. I cannot find the picture taken the last time you, me, jl and jenjen were altogether in one place...
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